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MINT ERTHOS with Property

MINT ERTHOS with Money

Select Your Minting Method

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An Issuer is anyone who owns real estate that pledges their equity to mint ERTHOS Credit.


Sponsor Issuer is anyone who creates equity in real estate, then pledges it to mint ERTHOS Credit.


Anyone, including property owners, can participate as a Sponsor Issuer.


What's The Difference?


An Issuer retains possession of their property after minting ERTHOS.


A Sponsor Issuer does not gain any rights of possession and does not obtain any interest in any specific parcel of land, after minting ERTHOS.


ERTHOS Credits and the pledged equity they represent, are designed to be fungible.


When a digitized property becomes available for sale or lease, proceeds received by the MINT may be added to a liquidity pool for ERTHOS holders.




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