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One Button to Change the World

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How It Works

Under the hood is our Decentralization-at-the-Point-of-Issuance (“DePI”) protocol which allows community members to access wealth in real estate as easily and permissionless as removing cash from one’s purse, by minting Earth-backed crypto credits, i.e., ERTHOS Credits.


Decentralized Issuance:

Token issuance is the first place one should look for decentralization in any crypto project. In other projects, tokens originate from a centralized authority, but ERTHOS Credits are issued By The People.


The ability to mint your own currency allows for the ultimate expression of individual liberty and exercising these expanded property rights underpins and preserves democracy.


It doesn’t get any more decentralized than that!


But the minting process is only one aspect of the power of DePI.



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